Our target audience ranges from compiler teams to end users. We can help compiler teams shorten their development cycles or improve their parallel performance and scalabiilty. We can help end users parallelize legacy, serial codes using the Fortran 2008 coarray parallel programming feature set.
We are currently engaged in the following activities:
We are currently engaged in the following activities:
Porting & Tuning
In addition to porting our transport layers to any suitable combination of compilers, operating-systems, nodes, and networks , we work with users to tune the performance of OpenCoarrays for their use case.
In shared- and distributed-memory tests of linking GFortran-generated object files with the OpenCoarrays LIBCAF_GASNet library, coarray parallelization of a distributed transpose operation outperforms an equivalent raw MPI code. The relevant code is a kernel extracted from a Fourier-spectral turbulent flow simulation code originally developed at NASA Ames Research Center. |
Development & Support
We engage in co-development of coarray Fortran compilers and applications and we offer free support via the OpenCoarrays Google Group or Issues Tracker. Contract development and support is also available.
Training & Consulting
We offer training courses in parallel programming in modern Fortran and consult with clients interested in parallelizing legacy, serial codes or co-developing modern Fortran applications.